Terms and Conditions

General terms and conditions of business.

  1. Confidentiality and Advice

Being a private counselor I work only with my clients and no one else, meaning that insurance companies nor anyone else receive any personal information about you. With that in mind, it is understood that all costs are completely paid privately by you the client.

Everything discussed during the consultation is strictly confidential. Counseling is for individuals and couples. An individual consultation lasts 1 hour and a couple consultation 1.5 hours. If you book with the booking system, this will be booked accordingly. Requests for a shorter or longer consultation period can be requested with e-mail before the consultation, but are not guaranteed.

  1. Costs and Payment

The hourly rate is CHF 190 and is calculated up or down for the corresponding duration (CHF 285 for 1.5 hours). Billing works in 15-minute units. Payment is on site by card or Twint. With a webcam consultation or in consultation, it is also possible to pay with an invoice.

  1. Rescheduling or canceling the appointment

If you would like to postpone an appointment or cancel your registration, you can do this free of charge up to 24 hours on working days by email at the following address info@sexual-und-paarberatung.ch. If you cancel after 24 hours, the entire agreed consultation time will always be charged.

  1. Late Payment of Invoice

If payment is made via invoice, the first reminder (payment reminder) can be paid within 15 days. From the second reminder, a reminder fee of CHF 10 will be charged. After the third reminder has expired, the operation will be initiated. Furthermore, there is an obligation to compensate for all costs that arise, for example, from debt recovered by a third party collection.

May 04, 2024